Olhão, Portugal

Yoga Olas Retreat

June 26th-July 1st 2024

Join Meg Bernisky, Troye Boone and Marco Diferriera

Join us in gorgeous Olhão Portugal in an exceptional private home, Casa Fuzetta, in the heart of a quaint coastal fishing town. This private retreat space has been rated as one of the top ten yoga retreat destinations in the world by Travel & Leisure, Forbes, Elle Magazine, and others.

We are so excited to provide this experience to you!

Movement. Exploration. Play.

During this retreat, we offer daily meditation and yoga classes (with live music with Marco DiFerriera), amazing expert chef-prepared meals, a variety of excursions, and some surprises. Gift yourself plenty of free time to nap, explore, read, and swim. Deeply connect with yourself and others.


We’ve hired a local chef to provide dishes of inspiration from India, Portugal, and Greece. Your taste buds will be spoiled with colorful and healthy food. There will be plenty of coffee, tea, and fruit as well! Both non-alcoholic and alcoholic options.

Yoga. Meditation. Live Music.

Troye and Meg will provide a menu of yoga variety, from intentional vinyasa flow practices, slow flow, yin/reiki, meditation and breath work. Classes will be sprinkled throughout the day and are always optional. A theme will be woven into the retreat to allow for journaling, introspection, and personal development.

Let’s go!!

Your Hosts:

Meg Bernisky has been teaching public yoga classes for 20 years. Her teaching style is creative and elegant with plenty of inspiration and bliss. Over the years she has collaborated with many musicians and her ear for sound and rhythm lend her classes to flow with ease. She also leads teacher trainings, workshops and mentors yoga teachers. As an attorney for 13 years, Meg also represents yoga studios across Colorado in business and brand development. This will be Meg’s 5th yoga retreat offering.

Troye Boone considers herself a forever student of life and yoga. She found yoga when she was 17 years old and holds this sacred practice close to her heart as it guides her every single day, both on and off the mat. Troye has been teaching public classes for 12 years. Her teaching style is compassionate, creative and authentic. Troye supported Yoga Olas’s 2022 teacher training program and has led various workshops over the years. Troye is passionate about all things health and wellness. She is always open and eager to chat about the power of food, lifestyle choices, and mindful movement. Troye is honored to hold space for you on this retreat. This will be Troye’s 4th yoga retreat offering, her 3rd retreat co-led with Meg. 

Marco DiFerreira is a one of a kind yoga teacher, Capoeira master and professional musician. Marco is based out of Denver and has been supporting Yoga Olas with his music in classes and retreats for the past 8 years. His guitar and ukulele melodies and his beautiful spirit will send you on an expansive and delightful journey.

Retreat Includes:

  • 5 nights stay at Casa Fuzetta ( June 26 - July 1, 2024 )

  • Daily yoga, meditation and specialty classes with Meg &Troye, Live music with Marco.

  • Daily guided meditations and journaling prompts

  • Brunch and Dinners prepared by local chef, non alcoholic beverages.

  • Daily gratuity for Casa Fuzetta staff.

  • Luxury Accommodations. Rooftop Pool!

  • Optional Add-on's:

    • More information coming soon!

  • Not Included:

    • airfare, airport transfer, alcoholic drinks, add-on's & additional gratuities

    • The house is just 15-20 minutes from the airport and a cab is ~20 euros

Space is limited!