Four Elements Women's Yoga & Wellness Retreat at Synergia Ranch in Santa Fe , New Mexico! May 2nd-5th, 2024!

Four Elements Women's Yoga & Wellness Retreat

Where: Synergia Ranch Retreat Center
26 Synergia Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87508

When: May 2nd-5th, 2023
Arrivals - Thursday, May 2nd at 4pm
Departures - Sunday, May 5th at Noon

Tune into the rhythm of your soul!

The time is now.

You’re invited to join Troye Boone and Rose Hoang for this nourishing retreat focused on connection, healing and transformation. We will embrace Mother Nature and the four elements: earth, water, wind and fire! We will feel alive and in-tune as we build a deeper connection and awareness to the natural world. This retreat will hold space for you to both connect in sisterhood through movement, dance and play while also allowing you to come home to yourself through rest, reflection and solitude. We invite you to embody a deeper relationship with yourself, your sisters and Mother Earth during this experience.

What's Included:
- 3 Nights Lodging at Synergia Ranch
- Morning Vinyasa and Evening Yin Yoga with Troye Boone and Rose Hoang
- 7 Organic Vegetarian/Vegan Meals
- Day Soak at Ojo Sante Fe Hot Springs & Spa
- Optional: Temazacal Renewal Ceremony with Native Elder (additional $100pp)
- Exploration, Dance, Creativity and more!

Meals will be delicious and nutrient-dense, cooked with love by well-known and long-time Santa Fe local, Margaret Augustine.

Meals included:

Thursday Dinner
Friday Breakfast
Friday Dinner
Saturday Breakfast
Saturday Lunch
Saturday Dinner
Sunday Breakfast
Meals not included:
Lunch on Friday can be purchased at the Blue Heron Restaurant at Ojo Sante Fe Hot Springs or bring your own. Optional Sunday lunch as a group in Santa Fe.

Lodging Options:

Option 1: Shared room with unattached shared bathroom (Sign up with a friend) $850/person. $1,700 for 2 people.

Option 2: Private queen room with unattached shared bathroom $1,000/person

Option 3: Private queen room with attached private bathroom $1,150/person

* Save $100 with early bird pricing, ends January 1st, 2024
* $500 deposit to secure your spot
* Payment plans available

About Temazcal Renewal Ceremony

optional, additional $100pp

Heat and steam traditions have long been used around the world from Russian Banja to Mexican Temazcal, Japanese Sento, Irish Sweat Houses and Finnish Savusauna, in acknowledgment and celebration of the healthful benefits to the mind and body. This ceremony will offer you spiritual renewal through an offering adapted from the Mesoamerican tradition.

The Temazcal Renewal ceremony is an ancient purification ritual said to be one of the first medicines given to the people. For natives of the Americas, it symbolizes going into the womb of Mother Earth to renew oneself and engage with the four elements: water, fire, earth and wind/air It is a place of reverence, healing and learning.

The ceremony consists of four rounds, 15 minutes each. The practice will aid in the process of melting and burning away what no longer serves you. We will sing from the heart, becoming one with all, to enter the world reborn.

Ceremony guides Concha Garcia Allen, curandera, ceremonialist and licensed mental health counselor with over 40 years of experience leading ceremonies. Concha a Zapotec native originally from Oaxaca, Mexico came to New Mexico with her family over 60 years ago and has practiced many traditions of ceremony throughout her journey. Bernard Kinlicheeny a Dine Native with extensive experience and passion for leading and sharing healing rituals.

Your Hosts

Troye Boone considers herself a forever student of life and yoga. She found yoga when she was 17 years old and holds this sacred practice close to her heart as it guides her daily, both on and off the mat. Troye has taught public classes for 11 years and started leading yoga retreats in 2022. As a retreat facilitator, Troye’s intentions are to create a safe space for you to connect, listen and tune inward. By allowing ourselves the time and space to tune inward, we can process and navigate our life journey with more ease, compassion and clarity. This will be Troye’s 3rd yoga retreat offering, she is honored to hold space for you during this sacred time.

Rose Hoang is anchored in love, acceptance and presence, Rose provides a safe, warm and grounded space to invite others to show up just as they are wherever they are in their life journey. Leading with a tender heart and vulnerability, Rose empowers others to fall in love with themselves, to experience their life as a ceremony and to share their medicine with the world. This will also be Rose’s 3rd retreat offering, she looks forward to connecting with you.

About Our Retreat Center - Synergia Ranch

Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge this sacred land and the breath of those who came before us.

We acknowledge the Indigenous roots of the land we’ll be experiencing together.

The place we call Santa Fe is recognized and known as Oga Po’geh, White Shell Water Place.

History of Synergia Ranch

Synergia Ranch has been operating as a Center for Innovation and Retreats since 1969. The ranch was purchased as a quarter section of the old Byrne Ranch that was acquired in 1926 as part of the Homestead Act, the original Warranty Deed having been signed by Calvin Coolidge. The original ranch of 640 acres was operated as a dairy farm. It passed through the hands of a couple of owners and then was purchased by Charles Taylor who, in 1967, split the section into a 160 acre parcel with the 480 remaining acres being formed into what is now the Silver Hills Ranch Subdivision. Taylor used the existing original barn and building facilities as a quarter horse ranch.

Synergia Ranch was purchased from Taylor in 1969. Utilizing and transforming the considerable existing structures, the ranch as it stands today was built during the seventies.

In the early days the ranch hosted, among others, resident and guest artisans who were interested in producing “biotechnic” products. These products were successfully sold from the ranch, in Santa Fe, and all over New Mexico. As well as large meeting spaces, there were several workshops and studios for the production of fine wood furniture, cabinets, doors and other architectural items. There was also a printing press that was the beginnings of present day Synergetic Press. Llamas and sheep were raised on the ranch to supply the wool used in the production of textiles and various woven goods

The Orchard

The four and a half acre orchard is unique due to its ecological design and its location on high desert (6300 ft) of clay soil. It was specially designed to minimize water usage and produce the tastiest fruit. The orchard was operated in an organic manner from the outset and has been certified organic by the New Mexico Organic Commodities Commission (now the New Mexico Department of Agriculture)  every year since 2000. To minimize water usage and give the trees a healthy soil, under each tree a compost heap three feet in diameter and three feet deep was dug. The compost materials came from the Ranch’s animals and horses at the then functioning nearby racetrack, nearly two hundred tons of horse manure went in at the start! In addition, the orchard has a drip irrigation system, both minimizing water losses to evaporation and not over watering to keep the fruit packed with flavor. Synergia Ranch fruit has come to be recognized as the some of the best tasting fruit in New Mexico.

Synergia Ranch started its orchard in 1976 on a wind-swept high desert plateau south of Santa Fe. Now over fourty later, the four hundred fruit trees planted (apples, peaches, apricots, pears, cherries and plums) have flourished.

Today we have been bringing our peaches, apples, and pears (which comprise most of the trees in the orchard) to local farmers markets, fine restaurants and bakeries, and to natural foods wholesalers in Santa Fe and Albuquerque. We have early and late Elberta peaches, some white peaches, six varieties of apples, and three varieties of pears.
Synergia Ranch is also working on ecological conservation and enrichment of our local ecology since it began in 1969. Most of the 130 acres are left to recover from decades of early overgrazing in the years after the land was first homesteaded. Hundreds of trees have been planted as windbreaks and soil-holders around the Ranch to prevent continuing wind and water erosion and help create an ecological oasis. Two windbreaks of Russian Olive and Honey Locust trees were planted in 1985 on to prevent any soil erosion down slope from the orchard. An adjoining area was setup with micro-catchments supporting trees to prevent soil erosion up slope from the orchard. Over the nearly forty years at Synergia Ranch, we have produced hundreds of tons of topsoil by composting animal manure, helping to replace and enrich the eroded soils that were originally here. Around the orchard and Ranch we now see a much improved ecology from what it was when we started. Native grasses and shrubs have come back strong, and the tree program has helped create a micro-climate much more favorable to plants, animals and people alike!